[DSN logo] The International Conference on
Dependable Systems and Networks

The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks
San Francisco, CA, June 22nd - 25th, 2003

DSN At A Glance


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Keynote Speaker

DSN Invitation



All tutorials will be held on Sunday, June 22, and each lasts four hours. Morning tutorials begin at 0800 and afternoon tutorials begin at 1330. The tutorial registration fee includes lunch on Sunday.


Time Triggered Architecture

presented by Hermann Kopetz, Technical University of Vienna, Austria ([email protected])

The tutorial focuses on embedded distributed hard real-time control systems within the time-triggered architecture (TTA). Attendees will acquire a fundamental understanding about the TTA and practical skills to built composable real-time systems. In particular, attendees will (i) be able to assess the fundamental tradeoffs in the design of distributed embedded real-time systems, (ii) acquire a methodology how to build a predictable real-time system out of encapsulated components within the TTA, (iii) learn how to design a system for testability in order to reduce the test effort, while, at the same time, increasing the reliability, and (iv) understand how to implement a fault-tolerant system economically for high dependability applications within the TTA.

Practical Design of Safety-Critical Systems

presented by William R. Dunn, Independent Consultant ([email protected])

Dependable system concepts and architectures are often proposed and claimed, or judged, as being "safe" yet are found to be impractical for real-life engineering applications where lives, property, or the environment are at risk. The tutorial addresses these issues by (i) reviewing the fundamental definitions and concepts of system safety, (ii) describing the overall structure and function of the real-life safety-critical system, and (iii) outlining the time-tested analytical methods that examine all components of this system to verify that it will be safe. The approach taken in the tutorial is to show how safety-critical systems are systematically designed in engineering practice and how it is verified that the designs will be safe. Attendees interested in, or working with, dependable system concepts intended for use in safety-critical applications should attend the tutorial.


Quality Specification, Evaluation, Assessment and Certification of Dependable Systems

Due to an illness, this tutorial has been cancelled.

presented by Hans-Ludwig Hausen, Fraunhofer, Germany (hausen@gmd .de)

The tutorial will cover the methods and principles of information and software system quality assurance (comprising test, measurement and assessment) for procedural, object- oriented and agent-based dependable software systems. Attendees will exercise proven techniques for goal-directed measurement, scaling and assessment for software certification. Assessment of both the software product as well as the software process will be discussed with respect to its relevance for such acceptance assessments. A standardized process model for measurement, assessment and certification of dependable software will be used to make the attendees familiar with this comprehensive assessment procedure and to learn how to embed it into today's standardized or non-standardized software processes. Basic knowledge in mathematics and some knowledge of software methods and tools is required. Emphasis will be given to selected advanced topics depending on the needs of attendees.

UML-Based Dependability Modeling and Evaluation

presented by András Pataricza, Budapest University of Technology and Economics ([email protected])

The tutorial focuses on the integration of the UML (Unified Modeling Language)-based design process with the formal proof of correctness and dependability evaluation methodologies. The tutorial aims at a self-contained presentation of the current academic research and best industrial practice in the field. No UML skills are prerequisites. In addition to an overview of UML basics, and software development with UML, attendees will learn (i) the proposed UML profile for schedulability, performance and time, (ii) modeling and analysis of dependability attributes, (iii) UML-to-mathematical-analysis tool transformation methodologies, and (iv) typical commercial and academic tools.